Why IsMy.Church Free?

The Holy Spirit has called us (Families For Him Ministries) to be stewards helping small churches share The Good News of Jesus Christ.

Many smaller churches today can only afford a free web presence using social media (like Facebook) to update their congregation with the latest church news.

As many choose not to use social media, God has led us to offer WordPress sites to churches at NO COST with the goal of increasing your church awareness and increase attendance. There are NO ADs or any methods that bring us financial compensation. This is our ministry – to freely give as we have freely received. Matthew 10:8

Our goal is to help small churches (typical average attendance under 30 people) with limited budgets establish a web site presence to meet the needs of the faithful.

As this is offered for free, we cannot guarantee anything except our choice to be Obedient to the Word of God declared in Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every person”.

This is a manual approval process which involves vetting your church through prayer. If you are promoting anything that does not line up with the Word and Will of God, we reserve the right to refuse or terminate any websites of organizations that are not Christ centered in their presentation. Your use of this free gift confirms your agreement to these terms and you understand we will not be held liable in any way – financially or otherwise.

Learn how this works by CLICKING HERE.